Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Food Allergies That Can Lead To An Asthma Attack

Tingling or itching in the mouth, swelling of the lips, face, tongue, and throat or other parts of the body are the most common food allergy signs and symptoms. All allergic people are not universally food allergic. They may or not be allergic to a few of them. A food allergy is when your body’s immune system reacts to an antigen because it is mistaken that antigen is a threat. Symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening. More than 170 foods are known to cause food allergies.
Now you would be shocked to know that these food allergies can create a lot of health problem which can directly affect your body when you’re suffering from a certain disease. Do you know how? Well, we all know that a condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow and swell and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe is a cause of ‘Asthma’. Asthma can be minor or it can interfere with daily activities. In some cases, it may lead to a life-threatening attack. If you want to know how does asthma start then the first ever symptoms for the same are exposed to allergens or irritants such as cigarette smoke, chemicals, mold, dust, or other substances commonly found in the person’s environment (e.g. home or workplace). So in order to understand how much care has to be taken to control asthma, “one has to know that it is a serious disease and if not taken care ‘It may have serious repercussions’. Yes, as you have understood the symptoms and causes, you must also know that it is a physical and medical problem that needs treatment. It is not something that you imagined or made up. Don’t let anyone tell you that your asthma is just in your head. It’s in your lungs, and it’s real!
So let’s go in a detailed analysis as to how certain aspect can lead to an asthma attack.
Once you develop asthma, you are likely to have it for a lifetime. An overly sensitive immune system makes your airways (bronchial tubes) become inflamed and swollen when you’re exposed to certain triggers. Asthma triggers vary from person to person. Common asthma attack triggers include:
Pollen, Pets, Mold, Upper Respiratory Infections, Tobacco Smoke, Inhaling Cold, Dry Air, Stress, and Food Allergies.
Food Allergies are one of the prominent triggers of an asthma attack. Let’s find out more about it.
When you come into contact with an allergen, your body responds by producing histamine, as a result of an overreaction of your immune system. It’s ultimately histamine that’s responsible for the same.
Well, this is a kind of sensitivity which can lead to difficulty breathing, wheezing, an itchy rash, low blood pressure, and vomiting. Overall it makes your immune system weak which in turn will make an asthma patient even weaker.
So what are some common foods which can be allergic to asthma patients?
1. Milk- Milk is an essential source of calcium, and the link between milk and asthma has often been disputed by researchers. People who are already predisposed to dairy allergy from a young age can suffer from wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness.
2. Eggs- Egg allergies are more common in children and outgrown in most cases. Symptoms are more often triggered by raw, undercooked or medium eggs than fully cooked eggs.
3. Additives and preservatives- Food preservatives and additives, such as sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite can also be allergic to asthma patients
Other food products include Soy, Wheat, Fish, Shrimp, and other Shellfish.
These are a really common item used in our daily meal so not all of them can have an impact on an asthma patient and that’s why allergy skin testing can be done to determine if you are allergic to these foods or not.
In order to cut the risk of food triggering an asthma attack, one of the most important actions you can take is to work closely with your doctor or other health care professional to learn how to manage your asthma on a routine basis.
Plan your treatment goals for the same and visit your nearest hospital or clinic. For full body checkup in Mumbai and to get your allergy testing done you can visit Hinduja Healthcare Khar

Friday, 1 February 2019

Simple but effective health tips to follow this year

The new year is almost a month old already, and in just a month many of our new year resolutions
have either waned away or have become too difficult to maintain due to our busy schedules.
Most of us tend to saddle our new year resolutions with a lot of hope and expectation and tend to
get disappointed and dejected when things don’t turn out the way we expected them to. So here
we have listed down a few simple tips which you can
observe in order to remain healthy in the new years:
Engage your mind in neurobics: Neurobics are similar to aerobics, but just for your brain. Neurobics refer to simple exercises which you undertake in order keep your brain energized. These activities help in keeping the biochemical pathways of your brain alive and with regular implementation these exercises can also help your brain discover new biochemical pathways, which can translate into enhanced mental functionality and utility. Neurobics could be something as simple as practising writing a sentence each day with your weaker hand or taking a different route to work whenever possible.
Juice up: Our body has an average nutritional requirement of 90 mg of vitamin C per day. Juices are an effective and simple way of fulfilling that quota as they are quick to make and quite easy to consume and enjoy. So choose to incorporate a glass of fresh fruit juice of any of the citrus fruits which are vitamin C rich such as oranges and sweet limes. Juices are also effective as they save you from overeating by lending you a sense of ‘fullness’. Although make it a point to drink only homemade fresh fruit juice as packaged juices are replete with harmful preservatives.
Choose water over energy drinks: While working out, choose to hydrate yourself with water instead of energy drinks. Apart from their high preservative content, these energy drinks are high in sugar which may seem like a source of some much needed energy boost, but in reality, that extra dose of sugar is the last thing you need because in short-term exercises, your body prioritizes the glucose from the energy drink and burns it up first before moving onto the body fat. Therefore, while it may seem that an energy drink is helping you expedite your weight loss or muscle gain by allowing you to workout for 10 more minutes, but in reality, these energy drinks might just be pushing you further from you goal. Water, on the other hand, keeps you hydrated throughout your workout session but it’s important to not over-drink water as well.
Devote 5 minutes a day to meditation: Unlike a new keto-diet or an intense new workout routine, meditation may take its time to yield results but in reality its effects can be more long-term than even a comprehensive physical training schedule. Positive impacts of meditating for merely 5 minutes a day can range from cognitive improvements such as enhanced memory, to intrinsic impacts ranging from calmer outlook and attitude to even improvements such as improved lung capacity and better blood circulation.
Keep your phone away before going to sleep: While checking out that final social media post before dozing off may seem important to you in that moment, it is actually adding to your morning blues. The bright light from your phones demands your eyes and brain to be attentive, and this innocuous exertion can considerably push back your sleeping time and thereby could result in you getting insufficient sleep. Therefore, be sure to not use your phone upto an hour before your sleep time.
Meet your trusted physician once every 90 days: While this may not seem like a tip you can practise everyday, it is however important to meet your trusted physician ideally up to 4 times a year but at the very least at least twice a year. A full-body check up is necessary and can help your doctor evaluate which diseases or risk factors you might be exposed to at an early stage, thereby reducing your recovery time and saving you a lot of money long-term.
Visit us at Hinduja Hospital, Khar for a comprehensive full body checkup in Mumbai.
Book an appointment by clicking here.