Monday, 25 December 2017


Generally, there is a consensus on a hazy line of differentiation between a neurosurgeon and a neurologist. Disorders, conditions, injuries, and diseases of the brain and the nervous system can be very complex to understand, diagnose and treat in the medical world. Like cardiologists in the best heart hospital in Mumbai diagnoses and treats conditions related to the heart, conditions related to the brain and the nervous system are diagnosed and treated by medical practitioners in two very closely-related specialist fields – Neurosurgeon and Neurologist. 

A neurologist is a medical practitioner who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and conditions of the brain and the nervous system, including the spine and other tissues and supporting system. They use medications and therapies for treatment of such diseases and conditions and offer treatment for pain management.

A neurosurgeon is a specialist surgeon who is involved in treatment of conditions of the nervous system that can be treated with surgeries only. The best neurosurgeon in Mumbai can perform surgeries including endoscopic microsurgery, traditional open surgery, and surgery or treatment using radiation. 

The main difference between a neurologist and neurosurgeon is the form of treatment used by them. Both neurology and neurosurgery require thorough understanding of the human brain, nervous system, and their functions. The neurologist is generally involved with treatment of conditions that could be treated using medication and therapies, and conditions that require pain management. Neurologist may also act as diagnosticians, and define or isolate a neurological condition for neurosurgeons to rectify. If the neurological condition has a physical cause, the case is then handled by a neurosurgeon who performs surgery to treat the condition.

Monday, 27 November 2017


An individual who has any sort of chronic pain is aware of the difficulty with which one lives when he has it. People who are not suffering from any kind of health problem should consider themselves blessed and make efforts to ensure that they stay like that. Those who have pain due to any issue with the spine should never ignore it. Anyone who is suffering from pain in spine should go to an orthopedic doctor so that the issue can be diagnosed. It is possible that the problem is not complicated and resolution is easy.

In Mumbai, there are several hospitals and health centers which are meant to treat people having issues with their spine. If you search for a spine specialist in Mumbai then you will easily find one. Before you choose one for your treatment, you should read about his/her experience. Always go for one who has years of experience and reputation to his credit. Internet will make your job of finding the best spine doctor easier. 

In an unfortunate situation, an individual might be diagnosed with a spine problem which cannot be resolved without a surgery. In such a case, one needs to take second opinion as spine surgery is a complicated one. One should take his/her own time in finding the best spine surgeon in Mumbai. If possible, such a surgery should be delayed as conventional methods can be tried to control the pain. However, if the surgery is necessary then get it done from a highly experienced spine surgeon only.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017


When a person is suffering from atrial fibrillation (AFib), his/her heart starts functioning out of normal, and its rhythm no longer stays steady. The heart does not contracts fully, instead the upper chambers of the heart starts fluttering irregularly i.e. fibrillate.  Consequently, the heart is rendered incapable of pumping sufficient blood throughout the body. 

A person with AFib is generally referred to the best cardiologist in Mumbai, as it is a heart condition that puts you at a higher risk of heart failure and stroke. You may want to see the best plastic surgeon in Mumbai, to get rid of scars left after surgery.

Here are some questions that you may ask your cardiologist upon next visit:

  • What caused AFib in me?
  • Was the condition caused by coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, congenital heart disease, heart valve disease, or some other reason?
  • Would I need to take medications for blood-thinning?
  • Would I need to take medications to control the rhythm of the heart?
  • Would I need to take other medication for AFib?
  • What treatment approach should be chosen for the condition causing AFib in me?
  • What would happen in an event of me missing out on a dose of medicine?
  • What are the side effects of the medications I would be taking?
  • How would the medications taken for AFib affect the other medications I already take?
  • Will there be a medical procedure needed to treat the condition causing AFib in me?
  • Would I be needing a pacemaker to control the heart rhythm?

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


A neurologist is a medical practitioner who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders and diseases relating to the brain and the nervous system, including the spinal cord. People often confuse the term neurologist and neurosurgeon as the same people. However, a neurosurgeon is mostly concerned with diseases and injury to the brain or part if the nervous system. The Best Neurosurgeon in Mumbai treats it either surgically or non-surgically, depending on nature of the illness or injury. 

You would require the management skills and treatment by the best neurologist in Mumbai, if you have disorders, injuries, or illnesses involving the brain, and the nervous system.

Before starting their practice, the neurologists must:

• Get graduated from a medical college
• Complete their internship
• Complete their resident program for neurology

The role of neurologist is management and treatment of neurological treatments, and problems relating to the nervous system. They diagnose and treat symptoms involving:

• Muscle weakness
• Coordination problems
• Confusion
• Changing sensation
• Dizziness

You may need to see a neurologist in case you have trouble with your senses such as vision, smell, or touch. Such problems with senses may sometimes be caused by disorders in the nervous system.

Neurologists also diagnose and treat patients with:

• Multiple sclerosis
• Stroke
• Seizure disorder, like epilepsy
• Neuromuscular disorder, like myasthenia gravis
• Spinal cord disorder, such as autoimmune or inflammatory disorders
• Infections of nervous system, such as meningitis, encephalitis, and brain abscesses
• Headaches, including migraines and cluster headaches
• Neurodegenerative disorder, including Alzheimer’s disease and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Types of Spine Specialists

Generally, people who experience symptoms of conditions related to the spine start off with consulting their general physician for an initial diagnosis. If the physician feels that the matter needs a more specialized care, then they refer you to a specialized healthcare professional. A spine specialist in Mumbai is a medical practitioner or a surgeon who focuses and specializes I diagnosing and dealing with conditions related to the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs, neural structures and joints of the spinal cord and the spinal column. There are several types of spine specialists and the type of spine specialist you are referred to depend on the type of spinal condition you are facing or are suspected to have. Certain conditions such as spinal cancer or spinal tumor may need the expertise of neurologist or neurosurgeon or an oncologist. Getting one of the health checkup packages Mumbai can help you screen the spinal condition you are experiencing.

The type of spine specialist you need to consult

Here are some of the spine specialists and the conditions they diagnose and treat.

Neurologist – A neurologist is a type of spine specialist who diagnoses and treats conditions related to the nervous system. So, if you are facing conditions where that spine is damaged, or the nerve ends around the spine is being compressed by the tumor or some other kind of anatomic abnormality, then you need to consult a neurologist.

Orthopedist – They specialize in treating musculoskeletal system, such as herniated discs, spinal joints, spinal arthritis, etc.

Rheumatologist – They deal with conditions involving swelling, inflammation, and pain, and osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia.

Physiatrist – They specialize in providing non-surgical treatment for musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, that might be causing limits towards the mobility of the patient.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Get full body checkup done in Mumbai

Nothing should be considered more important than health. If an individual is in good health then he can achieve anything. People often ignore their health issues which are not a good thing. There can be several health issues which can trouble people. There might be many people who are suffering from issues in their nose, throat or eyes. Such people should know that instead of visiting a general physician, they need to go to an E.N.T. specialist. Many people do not know this. If anyone wants to find a reliable ent specialist in Mumbai then he/she should take help of the internet.

If we take a look around us then we will find that there is so much pollution which is a threat to a healthy body. People can fall prey to several health issues due to their surroundings or unhealthy lifestyle. There might be a few people who understand the value of getting a routine checkup done from a doctor. This is done to help people know about any health issue well in advance. People should know that the full body check up does not cost much. If anyone wants to get full body check up Mumbai done then he just needs to visit a hospital or nursing home. 

These days, people can also book an appointment online at different health centers for getting health check up done. For this, one just needs to have access to the internet. It is very easy and simple. 

Friday, 5 May 2017

Importance of Health Check-Ups

Health check-up includes a number of medical tests done through samples collected from the body such as Blood, urine, excreta, etc. in order to ascertain that the body is functioning properly and to identify the cause of any issues and ailments in the body. By going through a health check-up one can make sure that diseases, if any, is detected at an early stage. It is important to ensure that it is treated as early as possible for an individual to lead a healthy lifestyle while preventing the health from deteriorating further. 

Regular health check-up is important to detect serious health problems that tend to be very problematic in later stages of life. Such health problems include cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, pulmonary blockage, among various others. A regular health checkup increases the chances of living a better lifestyle and a longer lifespan. It also helps in identifying the unhealthy components lifestyle in one’s life.

Hence, a health check-up is not just a series of health checkups but a chance for us to learn more about our body, how it functions and what should be done to help it function better. As the famous proverb goes “Prevention is better than cure”, it is better to prevent any health problem beforehand than spending money on treatment later in life.

Health check-up must be done from your regular health provider. However if you don’t have one and are looking for health checkup packages Mumbai has healthcare providers that can be good for you. Hinduja hospital is one such healthcare provider that is one of the best in the field of healthcare.