Wednesday 25 October 2017


When a person is suffering from atrial fibrillation (AFib), his/her heart starts functioning out of normal, and its rhythm no longer stays steady. The heart does not contracts fully, instead the upper chambers of the heart starts fluttering irregularly i.e. fibrillate.  Consequently, the heart is rendered incapable of pumping sufficient blood throughout the body. 

A person with AFib is generally referred to the best cardiologist in Mumbai, as it is a heart condition that puts you at a higher risk of heart failure and stroke. You may want to see the best plastic surgeon in Mumbai, to get rid of scars left after surgery.

Here are some questions that you may ask your cardiologist upon next visit:

  • What caused AFib in me?
  • Was the condition caused by coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, congenital heart disease, heart valve disease, or some other reason?
  • Would I need to take medications for blood-thinning?
  • Would I need to take medications to control the rhythm of the heart?
  • Would I need to take other medication for AFib?
  • What treatment approach should be chosen for the condition causing AFib in me?
  • What would happen in an event of me missing out on a dose of medicine?
  • What are the side effects of the medications I would be taking?
  • How would the medications taken for AFib affect the other medications I already take?
  • Will there be a medical procedure needed to treat the condition causing AFib in me?
  • Would I be needing a pacemaker to control the heart rhythm?